December 22, 2023
Pre-Accreditation Status Application | Public Notification of Opportunity to Comment
This will serve as formal notice consistent with the American Osteopathic Association’s Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation (COCA Element 12.7 that the proposed Meritus School of Osteopathic Medicine (MSOM) (candidate status - seeking accreditation) in Hagerstown, MD, intends to seek Pre-Accreditation status through the COCA with an anticipated review date in April, 2024.
Third party comments regarding this application or other questions or comments regarding the proposed MSOM may be sent to COCA at predoc@osteopathic.org or COCA, c/o AOA, 142 E. Ontario Street, Chicago, IL 60611. The proposed MSOM (candidate status-seeking accreditation) is in the developmental stage of accreditation and has not been approved to recruit students.
Inquiries to the proposed MSOM (candidate status-seeking accreditation) may be forwarded to Paula Gregory, DO, Founding Dean and Chief Academic Officer at Paula.Gregory@meritushealth.com. Please note that the proposed MSOM will be a private, non-profit medical school operated by the Meritus Health System.